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Inauguration of the 2013 Asian Champions League Workshop

The two-day 2013 Asian Champions League workshop was inaugurated today in the capital Kuala Lumpur which is organized with the participation of team managers, media officers and marketing managers of 35 clubs.

Windsor John AFC Competitions Division Chief Executive Officer “CEO” congratulated the winning clubs who have successfully joined this year’s edition of the AFC Champions League. He said while opening the workshop:” The year 2012 was a success for the ACL and we are happy to have this level of success which has seen an increase in the number of average spectators and a 57 % rise in the number of accredited media personnel covering our events. John declared that more domestic Associations have also shown interest in joining the championship because the club competitions are important for the overall development of football and the AFC has invested a lot to boost the ACL profile and therefore we need you to work together with the highest criteria of professionalism in order to increase the standard of the ACL.